Current Issue: April 2011
Michael Barr joined our team on March 14th as Strategic Relationship Executive. Michael’s extensive background in banking and switching within the financial services sector is a perfect with the strategic direction of FICANEX Services and THE EXCHANGE® ATM Network.
Michael started his career over 20 years ago working directly in credit unions and then with technology companies servicing the financial marketplace. During this time he has built trusted professional relationships. Michael brings passion, expertise and integrity to this new role in servicing our members.
At Ficanex we clearly understand that regular communication is key to
ensure that as a Member Financial Institution you receive maximum value from our services and understand the details of the exciting new services that will be launched to serve your organization better. Michael will be located in Toronto with closer proximity to our Members in Ontario and the Atlantic Provinces and can be reached by phone at 905-864-5992 or by email at
Welcome aboard Michael!
We are pleased to announce that once again this year we will be holding our annual employee contest. This very popular contest draws thousands of entries each year and is designed to help all employees learn more about THE EXCHANGE® network and the services we offer. The cash prizes were so well received last year that we have made sure there will be lots of cash to be won this year as well. Look for contest details in your mail box by mid-May.
The Central Switch Provider, Threshold Technologies Inc., as well as our other switch providers, know that uptime is essential to delivering excellent ATM services to all of our Members’ cardholders. We are pleased to report the Central Switch, responsible for all inter-institution traffic flow between Members within Canada and the USA, had the following availability over the last 3 months:
This year we were very pleased to receive a total of nine nominees for our two available Board positions – two from incumbent directors and seven from new candidates. “It is a very positive sign that so many of our membership are interested in serving on our Board,” said Fred Cook, Chair of the Board. “We are looking for further diversification and representation from other areas of the country to assist Ficanex in delivering a strategic roadmap for the future of our shared ATM network.”
Polling of our Limited Partners for the selection of the Board positions commenced on April 1st and continues until April 15th. New or returning Board Members will be announced by email on May 6th.
In February 2011, as in 2010, Ficanex commissioned Angus Reid Public Opinion to conduct an on-line survey of our 228 Financial Institutions to gauge your satisfaction with THE EXCHANGE® Network and FICANEX Services. We thank those of you who took the time to respond to the survey questions as the feedback you have provided is very important to us.
The survey results showed overall satisfaction with THE EXCHANGE® Network remains strong in 2011 with 90% moderately or very satisfied with the network as compared to 85% in 2010. The most selected reasons for satisfaction were cited as being good value, secure, and dependable. Loyalty to THE EXCHANGE® Network also remains high at 85%.
Consistent with 2010, Ficanex’s management of THE EXCHANGE® Network was rated by 4 out of 5 Members as being moderately or very satisfied. Members who reported they were unhappy with management pointed to the roll out of the EMV chip technology and issues with communication as the reasons.
In 2010 many members cited a quarterly newsletter would be their ideal communication piece and, as such, this newsletter was started in 2010. The 2011 survey showed 82% are happy with this communication and we are delighted to continue its quarterly publication and distribution to you.
Lastly, we asked you what you would like Ficanex to focus on and you responded innovation, communication and providing good value are what are important to you. We want you to know that we listen and care deeply about these things too and have already taken steps to improve in these areas; Michael Barr has been hired to focus on relationship building, communication and customer interactions, particularly for our eastern Members; the ATM Partner Program is ready to go and details of the program will be announced in Toronto on April 7th and Vancouver on April 27th; we have introduced smartphone ATM locators for Android, Blackberry and iPhone that can be customized for each individual Member at a much lower cost than doing it on your own; we have a deposit envelope group purchase plan to lower your cost on purchasing deposit envelopes, generic or customized, and we are planning other activities that we believe will be valuable to your organizations.
“We thank those members who took the time to provide us with this feedback.” said Linda Matheson, Network General Manager. “We welcome the opportunity to gain an understanding of how you feel about the network and to identify our strengths and weaknesses.”